Xinyang New Materials

Masterbatch market value is expected to soar!

<!---->During the period of 2014-2019, the annual growth rate of the global masterbatch market is expected to reach 7.1%, and the market value is expected to rise to 12.1 billion U.S. dollars by 2019. The demand for masterbatches in the packaging field will grow at a compound annual growth rate of 7.5%, which occupies an important position in the overall masterbatch market. The demand for masterbatches in the automotive sector has a compound annual growth rate of 8.5%.

In terms of regional markets, Asia Pacific and South America are in the leading position in the global market. The increase in demand for masterbatches in the Asia-Pacific region is mainly due to the continuous increase in the demand for refined raw materials and products by local plastics processors. In view of the good local development prospects, some companies plan to use the low-cost structure in Asia and the demand for plastics and packaging to expand the market locally.

At present, the output of masterbatch in China is about 1 million tons, and its application area is extensive. China began to develop color masterbatch in the mid-1970s. Beijing University of Chemical Technology took the lead in the research and development of masterbatch in China. In the mid-1980s, it also introduced advanced foreign technology, which made the masterbatch industry in China have made great progress.

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