Xinyang New Materials

The common issue encountered in film blowing

The common issue encountered in film blowing

1. The color masterbatch is not well dispersed, the film has too many crystal points, and the net is blocked.
2. The film appears straight and dark stripes.
3. The bubble is unstable and falls.
4. The film appears fisheye or rupture.
5. When the film is corona, the corona will fade too quickly, and the glue will be removed when the glue is applied or the ink will be lost when printing.
6. The composite is not strong when the film is composited.
7. It is easy to cause bad edges when unwinding from the mucous membrane.
8. It is easy to nail when the film is wound, especially in winter.

9. After the white film is stored for a certain period of time, a pink red color changes.

We provide the masterbatches special for film blowing, solving all the above problems.


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