Xinyang New Materials

The global masterbatch market will grow at a rate of 3.7 per year

In 2016, the global plastic masterbatch consumption was more than 4 million tons, of which the Asia-Pacific masterbatch market accounted for 40% of the global masterbatch market demand, and one-third of the global masterbatch market revenue also came from the Asia-Pacific region.
In addition, 24% of the global masterbatch market revenue comes from North America and 19% from Western Europe.
Ceresana expects that by 2024, the global masterbatch market will grow at a rate of 3.7% per year. The report examined white masterbatch, black masterbatch, colored masterbatch and additives. Masterbatch is mainly used for plastic dyeing, and additives can improve the properties of plastics.
Many different types of additives can also be integrated, such as stabilizers, antioxidants, antistatic agents, and flame retardants.
Black and white masterbatch demand is the largest
The most important masterbatch type in 2016 is white masterbatch, followed by color masterbatch, including inorganic pigment dispersions and organic pigment dispersions. In the past eight years, the global market demand for white masterbatch has increased at a rate of 2.2% per year. Titanium dioxide is the most important product of white masterbatch. The plastics industry needs to color toys, electronic equipment, automotive parts, homes, plastic films and other products, so the demand for titanium dioxide is relatively large. In addition, titanium dioxide absorbs UV radiation, thereby avoiding the fading of colored products due to sun exposure.
The black masterbatch is mainly derived from the carbon black additive. Carbon black is commonly used in conductive packaging, films, fibers, forms, tubes and cables. The current end product is a garbage bag. Carbon black, a color additive, has advantages in many plastic applications, especially for engineered polymers. Its color is difficult to change, even in extreme outdoor environments, it is difficult to fade.
Plastic  applications  are  everywhere
The most important applications of masterbatch in plastics are packaging, construction, transportation, electrical and electronic and industrial products. In 2016, the application of masterbatch in packaging accounted for 31% of global masterbatch demand in 2016. The second largest in the masterbatch application market is the construction industry, followed by industrial products and transportation.
In the field of packaging, flexible packaging such as films, bags, and such "packaging" include all masterbatch

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