It is suitable to describe the white masterbatch
with "small body, big energy". Although the white masterbatch is
small, there are many factors that need to be paid attention to when purchasing
a good product. The quality of white masterbatch in China is in big difference,
and friends who don't know much about it are more difficult to choose when
choosing such products. Here are 9 tips for choosing a white masterbatch. I
hope to help you:
1. Whiteness is high
The whiteness of the white masterbatch is mainly
represented by the titanium dioxide in the color masterbatch, and there are
many factors affecting the whiteness of the titanium dioxide, including the
size, shape and particle size distribution of the titanium dioxide particles,
the type and content of the impurities, and the lattice defects of the titanium
dioxide particles. In general, the whiteness of titanium white powder with the
chlorination method is better than the sulfuric acid method because the purity
of the raw material titanium dioxide is high and the impurities are small
during the preparation process.
In the real white masterbatch market, many white
masterbatch producers add equal ash content of calcium carbonate, barium
sulfate and zinc sulfide instead of titanium dioxide. In fact, the whiteness of
these inorganic powders is incomparable with titanium dioxide. .
2. Better hiding power
The hiding power is also an important indicator
for the user to request the white masterbatch. The good hiding power means that
the pigment has strong tinting strength, and the desired effect can be obtained
with a small addition amount. The hiding power of the white masterbatch depends
on the choice and processing of the titanium dioxide. The rutile titanium
dioxide has a smaller and tighter unit lattice and a larger refractive index
than the anatase titanium dioxide, so the hiding power and the anti-ultraviolet
light performance is significantly better than the anatase.
For the same type of rutile titanium dioxide white
masterbatch, the titanium dioxide has small particle size and narrow particle
size distribution. The hiding power of titanium dioxide with good dispersion in
the masterbatch is significantly better than the titanium dioxide with wide particle
size distribution and poor dispersion. Similarly, the hiding power of common
calcium carbonate, barium sulfate, and zinc sulfide is also incomparable with
titanium dioxide.
3. Dispersibility is better
Dispersibility has an important influence on the
application of titanium dioxide in plastics. Generally, the finer the titanium
dioxide particles, the better the dispersion, the higher the color strength,
and the white masterbatch has excellent dispersibility. When the film needs
fine printing, the pattern of the masterbatch is clear, the layering is
brighter and the vividness is better. This is because the microscopic
smoothness of the base film is one of the determinants of the quality of the
printed pattern.
4. Low moisture content
The moisture content in the white masterbatch also
plays an important role in the performance of the masterbatch. Generally, the
moisture content should be controlled below 1500ppm, and the strict requirement
should be below 600ppm. In the injection molding process, the raw materials are
generally dried before production. In the film production, the customer buys it
directly after premixing with the carrier. If the moisture content of the
masterbatch is high, it will directly lead to membrane rupture, and some small
bubbles will form on the film, "crystal point" defects, and the
reason for the high moisture content of the white masterbatch is caused by the
factors from raw materials selecting to the masterbatch processing.
5. The smell is small
Some films produced by some film manufacturer
smell strange after using the white masterbatch, which is absolutely not
allowed in the milk film and the film in contact with food. This is mainly
because the titanium dioxide in the masterbatch doesn’t select suitable coating
aids and the addition amount is too large, or the dispersant selected in the
production process of the master batch is problematic, and the white
masterbatch grade should be replaced.
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